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About Me

Hi, I'm Angie, and I'm the mom of 5 Vinez Monkeys. In case you were wondering, our last name is actually pronounced "Vinnie." And, no. No one ever gets that right. But, it's ok. I'll answer to almost anything.

You clicked the about me button, so I guess you want to know a little bit about me, right?

Well, first and foremost, I am a Christian. I was saved in April of 2008 after living a lie for many, many years. (If you ever want to hear my testimony, just ask! I'd love to share it with you.) I am married to my best friend. This September, we will celebrate 8 years of marriage. I am also blessed to be a stay at home mom to my 5 children. Ashley is 12, Zander is 6, Jace is 5, Lucy is 3, and Parker is almost 18 months. I homeschool the 4 oldest, and Parker is eager to learn as well. This is our second year as a homeschooling family, and we absolutely love it.

I have lived in Northeast Ohio, the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, and now reside in the North Georgia Mountains. Our nearest shopping mall is 2 an a half hours away, and the biggest news happened recently when they put a Walmart just 15 minutes from us. Such a big deal for our rural little area. I am definitely a city girl, so this has been quite an adjustment, but I love it here and will never move back North.

In July, I will turn 32. I have had a hard time since I hit the "30" mark, so I've convinced my children that I am still 25. They're all ok with this except for my tween.My husband is only 29, and continues to give me a hard time about the fact that I will turn 30 first, 40 first, and so on. It doesn't help.

I cannot cook. At all. I've caught my oven on fire 3 times, and my microwave twice. But, I continue to try. I don't like to fail at anything, and I'm determined to learn how to cook and to do it well. (Or at least well enough to keep from catching my oven and my microwave on fire.)

Aside from teaching, being "Mommy," and lots of dishes, housework, and laundry, (oh my gosh! All the laundry!), I'm also very active in my church and community, and I run an online design business where I offer custom blog designs, logo design, and so much more. I am one who needs to be busy all the time. And, no, I don't sleep. People ask me that all the time.

I started blogging back in 2005 when I got pregnant with Lucy. It was a way to update friends and family on the pregnancy, and just talk about anything and everything. Now, 2 kids later, blogging has become so much more to me than just an outlet. I have had the privilege of working with some really fantastic companies, and have met some truly amazing and inspiring bloggers through networking and visiting other blogs. I love what I do, and I hope you enjoy what you find here.

If I can ever be of any assistance, or if there's something you would like to see here on 5 Vinez Monkeys, don't hesitate to drop me a line. My readers mean the world to me, and I want you to know that your thoughts, opinions, comments, and questions are always welcome. Just contact me and let me know what's up!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog. You are much appreciated!
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