Here, kitty, kitty.

3/05/2009 09:35:00 PM

Killer is gone, and all of my kids and I are so upset. Hubby accidentally blew Killer up. It was an accident, but we're all just heartbroken.

Let me explain. My husband really is not in the habit of blowing up cats. I promise. My husband is the most loving person on earth, and even when it comes to animals, he has such a tender heart.

Killer is an outdoor cat. I let him come in whenever it got cold outside, because I couldn't stand the thought of him freezing out there. When he's outside, his favorite place to be is up in the wheel wells of my Expedition or up in hubby's truck's engine. Usually the second the door to the house opens, Killer runs in. The other night, hubby walked out the door for work, and Killer didn't come. (Can you see where this is going?) Hubby figured Killer was off in the pasture with the cows, and thought nothing of it. Until he turned the key in his truck and heard the most awful sound.

I haven't told the kids yet. I have no idea how to tell them what happened. Ashley knows, but we just change the subject when the boys bring up Killer. I know we need to tell them eventually, but how do you tell them that Daddy blew up the cat. UGH.

It has been a rough week around here. I am looking forward to our much-needed getaway to Ohio next week. I definitely need it.

Now, what do I tell my kids?
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11 Monkeys Commented - Leave your Comment!:

  1. jenhagen said...

    I wouldn't tell them how it happened just that there was an accident and he's with God now. If you tell him your husband did it, they will never forget that. Even though it was an accident, they might blame him and that's not fair to your husband. I would put the focus on the kitty and not 'how' or 'who'.
    Sorry it happened, I'm sad for you.

  2. Barely Domestic Mama said...

    Awwwww. I am so sorry for the loss of Killer. That's such a terrible accident. I have to agree with the previous poster to just say there was an accident.

  3. Cat@3KidsandUs said...

    OMG...I thought this was a joke..poor kitty...I'd hate to be the open to open the hood of the truck. :-(

  4. Jewllori by Lori said...

    Awww, that's awful! Poor hubby! Yes I agree, don't go into details of who or how for sure, just let them know it was an accidental death. You poor guys!

  5. The Stevens Family said...

    I'm so sorry, how sad! Since it's totally NOT hubby's fault, I like the idea of just saying it's an accident and that Killer is in heaven now. Maybe someday when they are older, if they ask for details, you can tell them. Probably too little now. Good luck, sweet mama! I hope your trip is fantastic and you absolutely relish your time away.

  6. JLT6907 said...

    omg! poor kitty! thats so sad. i dont think i would tell them exactly what happened...just that there was an accident. im so sorry, losing a pet is sometimes like losing a family member.

  7. Danielle said...

    Oh Nooo!!! Poor killer! Well, I guess those cat food coupons I was going to send you are going in the trash now. I'm so sorry for your loss. How is Gene's truck?

  8. A little piece of 7th heaven said...

    OH MY GOSH..poor, poor kitty..poor, poor husband. I am in agreement with everyone..just say it was an accident.
    I am so sad for you all:(

  9. Natalie said...

    Awww...poor Killer! But, you know, I have heard of this happening. I'm so sorry you guys lost your kitty.

    I ditto everyone else and say just tell the kids there was an accident. Not Gene's fault, wouldn't want them to blame him or anything. I mean, they're so little and innocent that they probably still wouldn't, but why chance it.

    It'll be okay. I bet there will be another kitty some day.

  10. Suzi Homemaker said...

    Total agreement--accident, kitty's in heaven. My oldest would NEVER forget if I told her Daddy blew up our cat--she'd bring it up 30 years from now. So sorry for your loss--pets are so important in our lives and especially in our children's lives. Good luck breaking the news.

  11. Chris said...

    Oh no. Sorry to hear about Killer. I hope the kids took it okay when you told them.

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