Monday, January 12, 2009

We're dropping like flies around here!

There is a stomach virus going around our house right now. I started it all yesterday, then hubby got it yesterday afternoon, then Zander and Lucy this morning. I went through an entire pack of diapers (34!!) on Lucy today. It is that bad.

Lucy ended up with diaper rash so severe that she had huge blisters all over her bottom. She spent the evening in cloth diapers because she absolutely refuses to go stark naked. I tried putting Butt Paste on her, but it hurt her. So did Diaper Derm, and those are the only 2 I will use because they seem to be the most gentle. I ended up also trying the Nature's Baby Organic Diaper Cream, and it was the only one I put on and she didn't scream. At her next diaper change, I could already see a huge difference. I was quite impressed!

I am praying that this is the end of the stomach virus for us. If the other kids get it, I may just run away somewhere tropical.

I have a meeting with a wedding photography client tomorrow night, and I need to be healthy to attend!

Hopefully, I'll wake up in the morning and everyone will be healthy and happy.

Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?

5 Super Cool Replies:

Natalie said...

ICK!!! Oh, I HATE those doggone stomach bugs. When it went through our house right after we moved, I just wanted to run away. I hope and pray that this is the end of it and no one else gets it. (((HUGS)))

I'm surprised the Diaper Derm didn't help because when Joey had a stomach virus when he was about 2 and had diahrrea for a week, he had just the kind of rash you describe and Diaper Derm was the only thing that actually worked. That's why it's been my favorite and the only thing I've used since. I had tried just about everything under the sun before that. I hadn't ever seen a rash like that before and haven't since. It was SO bad. Poor Lucy! I'm glad you found something that helped. I'll have to keep that cream in mind if I ever have an issue like that again. Can you get it in stores?

(((HUGS))) and get well vibes to all of you!

A little piece of 7th heaven said...

Oh Angie,
I know how awful those darn pesky bugs can be...I will pray for restored health for all..

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Ouch, poor kiddo. We go through the same thing very often from food allergies. The only thing that ever helped us is the Beurdeux's (sp?) Butt Paste. Hopefully it passes quickly.

Suzi Homemaker said...

Sorry you all have been sick! I swear by Aquaphor--that's the only thing that didn't sting my kids little dupas. It's made for use on burns and clears up a red bottom in no time. I hope you all are feeling better soon! With five kids, that's an epidemic at your house!!!

Chris said...

Yikes! I hope you all get over it soon.
