Friday, December 26, 2008

We had the best Christmas!

Hubby ended up coming home early. He helped me put Lucy's kitchen set together and got everything ready for the kids. Thank heavens!

The boys were up about 7am. Parker had a rough night, and was up until about 5:30am. So, Gene and I made the boys sit in the recliner in our room until 8am. Then, we all got up, ate breakfast, and read the Christmas Story together. After that, we opened all the presents.

The boys still believed that Santa brought the presents, and they were so excited over everything they got. Lucy loved her kitchen set, and Ash really liked all the stuff she got.

All in all, it was a great day. I got sick in the afternoon and ended up on the couch for quite awhile, but it still couldn't have been a better day.

I hope that each of you had a wonderful Christmas. I'll share photos soon!

2 Super Cool Replies:

Chris said...

I am so glad you had a nice Christmas but I am sorry to hear you got sick. I hope you have a restful weekend.

Stephanie said...

Glad hubby made it home to help you...that's always nice. ;) I like how you read Christmas Story together before presents.

Have a Wonderful Night!
