Saturday, January 10, 2009

Trying not to panic....(UPDATED)

My husband and daughter left for a revival in Andrews, NC at 4:30pm. I've not heard a word from them since, and it is now almost 10pm. This is VERY unlike my husband. (He knows what a worrier I am, so he always calls me when he gets anywhere.) I've sent dozens of text messages, and haven't gotten anything back.

I am really trying not to panic. I'm hoping that he just left his phone in his truck during the revival and he doesn't even know that I've sent the messages.

Please pray that I hear something from him soon. I am really getting worried.

Update: Apparently the church holding the revival was in the boonies, and there was absolutely NO cell service. (So much for all those "bars" At&t!) He knew I'd be panicking, so he called me as soon as they left and he got a signal back - around 10:30pm! Geez. At least my heart can start beating at a normal pace again!

2 Super Cool Replies:

Chris said...

Well I am glad they are okay. I am the same way. Our cell phones are our life lines.

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Well I'm sure glad it all turned out to be okay! We worry, that's our job.
