Thursday, January 8, 2009

What are some baby/mom related items that you can't live without?

I read a review on a website for an item today, and it's something that I absolutely could live without. (I'm not mentioning products or blog names, but will tell you that the item made my 2nd list below.) So, I thought I'd make up a list of the things that I'm glad I have (or wish I had!), and the things that are just a total waste of money. You may agree or disagree, but here are my lists.

It's funny, but most of my favorite items have come from the Virtual Baby Shower and from friends.

Here are my absolute must-haves:
1. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow - Better than any boppy pillow or anything I have ever used. I wish I had had one of these with all my kids. Maybe my back wouldn't hurt as bad now!
2. Swaddle Designs Blankets - These things rock. They are huge and they make an excellent nursing cover. I'm not afraid to nurse in public when I have one of these on hand. And, Parker LOVES to be swaddled in them. It's a win-win for both of us.
3. Boogie Wipes - I wish our Walmart sold them. These have become an instant favorite around here, far better than any kleenex or toilet paper!
4. Infant Gowns - quick, easy diaper changes for the baby who poops a million times a day/night.
5. Hyland's Teething Tablets - God's gift to mothers of teething babies. I discovered these when Ash was teething and have used them ever since.
6. Babycapes - while I could probably live without them, I don't want to. They are the coolest idea ever and I loved Parker's so much that I ordered one for Lucy.
7. Butt Paste - Another of God's great gifts. This stuff works on the worst diaper rash, and believe me, we've seen it over the years!
8. A Rocking Chair - I could sit for hours and just rock my babies. I love that feeling so much. In fact, with my next paycheck, I'm going and buying me a rocking chair so that I can rock my baby. (We donated ours to our church nursery before we found out Parker was coming!)
9. An Infant Swing - the perfect way to rock a baby when you need to be able to use your hands! (Thank you, Natalie. LOL!)
10. The Angel Care Baby Monitor - I know it sounds silly that I would list this, but after Jace stopped breathing several times, I couldn't be without this thing.

Now, want to know the things I could definitely live without?
1. LilyPadz - Oh.My.Gosh. The first time I stuck one of these to my boobs and my milk let down, the thing fell right off. I have an extremely overactive letdown and lilypadz just can't handle it. Great idea, but a waste of money for me!
2. Diaper Wipes Warmers - I always crack up when people register for these or actually purchase them for someone. Is a chilly wipe really going to hurt your baby? My kids have all been wiped with cold wipes. Poor widdle things
3. Zaky Infant Pillows - Ok, I'm sorry, but really? People buy these? They totally creep me out!
4. Soothing Spa & Shower Baby Bath - This one just totally grosses me out. Odds are, baby's going to poop in the tub. Let's then spray that poop all over baby. Yeah. Makes total sense.
5. Baby No Bumps - Ok, so maybe if I had had one of these when Lucy was learning to walk, she wouldn't have had all of those goose eggs on her head. But, still. It's my fault for not baby proofing the house better - or catching her faster. These things look ridiculous!

So, there you have it. If you see something I missed, let me know! :)

4 Super Cool Replies:

Danielle said...

Lol. The baby no-bumps is a little ridiculous, but I would use it if I was a day care provider. When you are a dcp, every little mark, scrape, bump, etc makes you look bad or could be a lawsuit. But, if you are just a mom at home with your own child, no one holds you to that high of a standard, so I wouldn't use that on my own.

Other than that, I am not really sure if there were any items I "just couldn't live without" when Annalise was a baby.

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Must haves for me:
My boppy,
infant gowns (my kids lived in these the first few months),
butt paste (Desitin is garbage), lanolin paste,
a huge stack of cheap receiving blankets (you can change diapers on them, swaddle with em, clean up spit/puke, all purpose baby). My number 1 must have, the Fisher Price Jumperoo! I would never have made hot meal without it.

Things I regift to other moms:
wipes warmer (do people really use that?),
any "baby tub" (people, your own tub with a towel works fine),
any toys/rattles (they just don't play yet).

Blessed*with*Seven said...

Hmmm, lets see the one thing so far that I could not live without was the Lands end carseat/carrier cover, with the cold New England weather It was a TRUE "Must Have",
a baby swing was another I loved having, I also love my mom-made wipes travel case, also Robeez shoes....Great for my little ones who are always mobile so early, they could not kick them off their little feet like most other shoes....Thats about it....not to many "needs"....but these are all things I would get for other moms, other than some nice homeade meals to bring over.

Natalie said...

Must haves:

1. My Boppy pillow. Although, I find it most useful when they are first-born, tiny, and squirmy. After that, I tended just to hold them to nurse. But it's also great to lay them in when they're tiny and sit them up in when they are learning to sit up.

2. Diaper Derm. It's the only diaper cream I will use anymore and has taken care of any rash my babies have had. I almost always give it with baby gifts.

3. Rocking chair.

4. Cotton balls. Why, you ask? When my babies are tiny and poop all the time, sometimes they get really sore. Cotton balls and warm water clean well, are better than harsh wipes and help get their bum better.

5. Baby swing.

6. Pacifiers!

7. Breast pump, nursing pads, and milk storage bags.

8. Cloth diapers for burp cloths. They work great and it's cheaper to buy a package of those than a bunch of the fancy individual burp cloths.

9. Infant gowns. Easy diaper changing and no fiddling with buttons in the dark.

10. Bouncy seat.

11. Cozy cover for infant carseat.

Could live without:

1. Baby monitor. Our rooms have always been so close together that I can hear the baby just fine at night without it. I'm usually never too far away to hear baby crying. I don't think I used it at all with my last two.

2. Nursing nightgowns. I can't sleep in a nightgown anyway and my boobs would always sneak through the holes.

3. Baby bath towels. Regular bath towels work just fine!

4. Baby booties. You know, those thick cotton ones. They NEVER stay on their feet.

5. 5 million baby rattles and toys. They're not even really interested!

6. Toddler beds. We just skip the middle step and extra expense and put a rail on a twin bed.

7. Special baby laundry detergent. Unless your baby has allergies to regular detergent, just throw their clothes in with everyone else's and save your money!

8. Baby T-shirts. They don't stay tucked in, onesies work much better.
