
There's just no other way to describe it. I am getting my butt kicked by this morning sickness!

The doctor gave me meds, and they have helped - tremendously. But, I still get sick the first thing every morning!

Last night I was up all night with a very sick baby girl. Lulu got the pukes and went all night long. That meant I got about 20 minutes of sleep altogether.

Today I am just so wiped out that I can't function! How am I going to make it through the day with an 18 month old that's still sick, and a 3 year old that isn't feeling well either. I guess I just have to hope that they nap at the same time so that I can lie down, too.

But even most days when I do get a good night's rest, I still have ZERO motivation. There's so much I should do, but I just don't have the energy to do it.

I hope this all goes away after the first trimester. I need a little pep back in my life!

Crazy pregnancy cravings & aversions

Most people have them. Sometimes they're weird, other times, not so weird.

For example, with my first pregnancy, I only wanted ice cream. There wasn't really anything I didn't want. ;)

With my second, I wanted root beer floats ALL the time. Hubby was always kind enough to make sure we had caffeine free root beer and vanilla ice cream in the house. With this pregnancy, I absolutely could not stand the sight or smell of cucumbers. (Which is crazy, because I LOVE cucumbers!)

My third pregnancy, I had to have eggs. Deviled, scrambled, hard boiled, it didn't matter. I just had to have them. I had the same aversion to cucumbers that I had with the second pregnancy.

With my fourth pregnancy, it was Taco Bell. I'd make hubby drive thru for dinner several times a week. As for aversions, I really didn't have any. Must be something about carrying a girl that makes me want to eat!

With this pregnancy, I want tomatoes. ALL THE TIME. On salad, on grilled cheese, on baked potatoes, everything. I can't eat a tomato like an apple, but I sure want them on everything! As for aversions, right now it's to anything that smells. Smells are just killing me right now. The kids were eating doritos the other night and I had to make them put them away. I just couldn't take the smell!

Ok, so there's mine. It's your turn! Tell me your crazy cravings or aversions during pregnancy!

Baby's first ultrasound!

Had the ultrasound today. That was interesting.

They told me to drink 36 ounces of water an hour beforehand. Well, I did that, and by the time I got to Grandma's office to drop of JJ & Lulu, I had to pee. So, I did. I went across the street to the hospital, and by the time I got checked in, I had to pee again! They finally took me back, and she started the ultrasound. She pushed and pushed on my stomach for 10 minutes, but couldn't find the baby, and couldn't find my right ovary. The entire time, she's telling me how full my bladder is. (Duh! I drank a LOT of water.) So, she has me go empty my bladder and she decides to do a trans-vaginal ultrasound. (Is that what they're called? I've never had one before.) Anyway, she gets the wand in place and says, "Ummm.... your bladder is still completely full!" SIGH. So, I get up, empty again, and come back. STILL FULL!! We did this 5 times before I finally got empty enough for her to see anything!!!

After that whole ordeal, she was finally able to see the baby AND find my right ovary. LOL.

Baby is measuring small.... which is exactly what I expected. I knew I had ovulated late, and that's why I was getting the faint + pregnancy tests. Baby is officially measuring 6 weeks and 6 days, which puts my due date at October 31st.

We were able to see the heartbeat which has to be one of the sweetest sights in the world.

She didn't tell me much, but I assume all is well. If not, I'll find out about it at my next doctor's appointment on April 2nd.

Here's "Baby Boo":

First Prenatal Appointment

Since we're in Georgia now, it meant that I had to find a new doctor. I heard through the grapevine that there was a doctor in our county that specializes in high risk pregnancies and womens issues. My first appointment was with her this afternoon. Perfect day to go to the doctor since the morning sickness has been AWFUL today, I figured maybe she could see how miserable I was and offer some relief.

I walk into the doctors office and fill out the necessary paperwork. A little while later, the nurse calls me back. I get on the scale, (we'll just skip that part from now on - considering I haven't even lost the weight from Ms. Lulu yet!), give my "sample," and head back to a room. The nurse takes my tempreature, blood pressure, pulse - all the normal stuff. Then, I sit and wait for the doctor.

A few minutes later, the door opens, and in walks the TALLEST, prettiest, and youngest doctor I have ever seen. Now, I am 5 foot 9, so I'm not a short person, but this doctor made me feel short, fat, and ugly just by looking at her! We talked for a few minutes, and I came to find out that she is also the NICEST doctor I have ever seen in my life. We discussed all of the other pregnancies (preterm labor with all of them, bed rest with all of them, JJ's knot in his cord, Lulu's 2 vessel cord, etc., etc., etc.) and she immediately labeled me as a high risk pregnancy. Now, in our town, this could be a big problem. The hospitals here are not equipped to handle babies born before 36 weeks. If something happens, I will need to go down to Gainesville. (Which is about an hour and a half to two hours away!) She decided that for my 20 week appointment/ultrasound, she'll send me down to Gainesville to meet their high-risk specialist. That way, he and I will have met, and I'll be a little more comfortable with heading down there if something were to happen.

I spent about an hour total with the doctor, and left feeling better than I EVER have after a doctor's visit. It's going to be SO nice seeing ONE doctor instead of one of 6 in the practice.

On Thursday, I go for a dating ultrasound and just to make sure everything is going well. Since my cycle was so far off, this may push my due date back a little farther. I guess we'll see on Thursday!

Can you even believe it?

I thought for sure that my pregnancy blog with Lucy would be my last. Little did I know that God had VERY different plans!

My cycles are never different. Every 24 - 26 days, I know exactly what to expect. My next cycle was due to start February 10th, 11th, or 12th. When I still hadn't started on the 13th, I knew something was off. I bought a pregnancy test, and the next morning, as soon as I woke up, I took the test. Negative. Hmmmm..... I'm never late. Not unless I'm pregnant. So, I waited 3 more days. Sunday morning (the 17th), I tested again - first thing. This time, I got a VERY faint + sign. Hubby still wasn't convinced, so he made me go out and buy another 2 pack of tests. That same afternoon, I took another test and got another faint +. Still not convinced, he wanted me to wait 3 more days and take the other test. On Wednesday the 20th, I took the last test and it was still just a faint +. Hubby still wasn't believing it, so on Thursday, I made an appointment with a doctor. They did a test and I got another faint +. But, it was enough of a + sign that they gave me written proof to show hubby that I am indeed pregnant.

The only thing I can figure is that this last cycle was WAY off and was going to be way longer than normal. My guess is that the faint + signs meant that I was just testing too early and that my cycle wasn't due to start for a few more days.

Anyway, it's been almost a month and my belly has popped (the joy of having 4 previous pregnancies), and I am throwing up every day. I have no doubt that there will be a baby arriving sometime in October.

First doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I'll let you know what happens!!
