Thursday, February 26, 2009

Entrecard Market: I listed something!

I've recently become addicted to Entrecard. I have found some of the coolest (and absolute worst) blogs because of entrecard.

Well, now Entrecard is having a contest. One lucky winner will receive 100,000 entrecard credits! I could finally get my buttons on some of the really cool blogs!

In order to be entered in the contest, you have to list something in Entrecard's new Marketplace. So, I did.

I listed 1 month of advertising on Buy By Mom for just 250 credits. That's a steal, considering you can purchase 1,000 credits for $6, and I normally charge $10/month for advertising on Buy By Mom.

If you haven't joined Entrecard yet, you should. It's a great way to get people to visit your blog. If you join, let me know. I'll purchase an ad on your blog! (Unless you're already one of the super cool, ultra expensive blogs. Then you'll have to wait until I win the 100,000 credits!)

0 Super Cool Replies:
