Saturday, February 7, 2009

I officially HATE WordPress.

Well, I'm not sure if I should hate wordpress or if I should hate my webhost. Either way, I'm not happy.

I have been trying for the last THREE HOURS to get a stupid wordpress blog set up. I wanted to use it for the Love Dare Challenge blog, but it ain't gonna happen. I'll be setting up the Love Dare Challenge on blogger. My webhost likes blogger, and while I can't do as much with it, at least I can make it work without getting a ton of error messages.

I've discovered that some people can't leave a comment over on's blog because of this "error issue." So not cool.

I've just paid for another year of hosting, and if I leave my webhost, I will have MANY disappointed clients. I can't do that to them (or to my business!). So, I'm stuck.

Those participating in the Love Dare Challenge, bear with me. I'll be setting up the new blog soon. Screw Wordpress, I'll give it to blogger.

Sorry for the yelling. It's after 12:30am here and I am beyond frustrated.

2 Super Cool Replies:

RazzberryMomma said...

I'm sorry you are having so many issues! I TOTALLY understand. LOL Hope you are able to get it all sorted out soon!

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

I'm sorry Angie. I could try setting up with a different template, but I'm pretty sure it's the wordpress and the host itself having problems.
