Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Triaminic Sick Day Guidelines

As a mom to 5, there is always someone sick in our house. At least it feels that way. Some days I feel like I spend hours in the children’s medicine aisle trying to find something that will help all of their symptoms. I am very particular about the brands of children’s medicine I buy, and Triaminic is always at the top of my list. My mom used it with my brother and I when we were kids, and since Triaminic is a name I can trust, I now use it with my kids.

For the past 2 weeks, the kids have been sharing some kind of cold virus with each other. Cough, sore throat, fever, and just achy all over. The Triaminic Soft Chews have been a god-send. My boys don't do well with liquid medicine. Somehow, they always seem to spill more than they take in. Then you're not sure about them getting the proper dosing. You can't give them more, because you don't want to overdose. It can be such a pain. But, with Triaminic Soft Chews, you don't have that problem! They have the perfect dose of medicine already inside them! Just read the label to find out how much your child will need. My boys love the taste, and they take them without a fight. Now, the brand I trust is even better for my kids!

Because I homeschool, I don't have to worry about whether I should send my kids to school or not when they're sick. We can just take a break and keep them in bed for the day. However, I do still follow the Sick Day Guidelines that Triaminic and the National Association of School Nurses put out.

Keep your child home from school and group activities if he or she:

  • has a fever of 100.4 degrees F or higher
  • has been vomiting
  • has been experiencing excessive tiredness, loss of appetite, sore throat, headache, body aches, earache, productive coughing/sneezing

Keep your child home until his fever has been gone for 24 hours without medication.

Here are tips to helping your child feel better:

  • they need plenty of rest and limits on watching tv
  • encourage fluids like water, soup, juice, and ice
  • use a cool humidifier
  • lots and lots of TLC
  • when used as directed, children’s cough and cold medicines help relieve symptoms while your child is getting better.

Read and follow the directions carefully and give the exact recommended dose for the child’s age. Do not use over-the-counter cough and cold medications for children under the age of 4 in the US.

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