Saturday, April 4, 2009

[IN]PLACE System by Peter Walsh (Review)

I'm going to let you in on a secret: I am not the queen of organization that I wish to be. My life is organized - I schedule every moment of every day. My desk, however, is a mess. Truth be told, my office space looks like a filing cabinet exploded. I have papers everywhere. Papers for homeschooling, client orders, client receipts, notes for church activities.... the list goes on and on... and on. Not only do I have papers everywhere, but my desk is also a haven for sticky-notes. I have passwords, important dates, important phone numbers all on sticky notes and all stuck all around my desk - on the computer monitor, the book shelves, anywhere I can find room. When it comes to organizing my office space, I am a mess.

So, when I was invited to try out the [IN]PLACE System and attend a live webcast with Peter Walsh, I was all over it! Anyone who watches Oprah or TLC has heard of Peter Walsh (and his amazing accent!). He is the organization guy. I've always wished he'd come do a Clean Sweep of my house! This review was a great start to that wish.

They sent me a wonderful starter kit and accessories to start getting things organized. I immediately put them into use. The desktop sorter is perfect for the kids homeschooling papers. I now have all their tests, reports, and other important papers neatly organized and in one place. The best part? I can take the desktop sorter to the kitchen table when we're schooling in there, and then put it back on my desk when we're done. All of the papers stay together and organized. Awesome.

I also organized all of my client files in the expanding folder, and my church activity notes went into their own special envelope. And all those sticky notes? All the information from them is now written neatly in the gorgeous little journal they sent me. I honestly feel like a new woman! I know where everything is now. I no longer freak out because I can't find a paper or an important phone number. Everything is clearly labeled and I can easily find exactly what I need. Another great feature is that the products are all reusable. They are durable, so they'll last forever, but because you can label everything with their special post-it notes (color-coded, of course!), or with their super-cool erasable marker, you can use the same products over and over and over again.

Now, I know you're wondering where you can get all of these amazing products. Peter Walsh has teamed up with OfficeMax and they'll be available starting next week! (Read the partnership announcement here.) All of the products are affordable, functional, and downright fabulous.

The webcast on Thursday was awesome. If you have some time, watch it. Peter offers up some really great organization tips. My favorite tip was "If you have to think about it - it needs to go." I've put this tip into action in my kids' rooms and on my desk. It has helped tremendously!

I am so thankful for the opportunity to do this review. It really has put me on the road to real organization. Thank you, OfficeMax and Peter Walsh for your time and your products.

PS - You can now follow OfficeMax on twitter!

1 Super Cool Replies:

Kris said...

What a GREAT system!!! Thanks for sharing!

