The Entrecard Debate: Do I Stay or Do I Go?

I'm sure by now everyone who uses Entrecard has seen the new changes. Now people can pay to put ads on your widget.

At first, I thought nothing of it. I approved ads and only rejected the ones with half-naked women or something else repulsive on them.

Then, I read a thread on the Mom Blogger's Club about all of this. It made me wonder if sticking with Entrecard is the right decision. Entrecard has always been a fun way to find great blogs. But, now with these paid ads, people who use their credits to advertise for a day on my blog are having their time replaced by someone who many not even be a blogger. I don't like that.

Lately, I've noticed ads that I did not approve or have never even seen appearing on this blog and on Buy By Mom's blog. I've contacted Entrecard about it, but they haven't responded. I honestly wonder if they will. My guess is that they'll have some lame excuse about a "glitch" in the system.

As of right now, I only approve paid ads that are from bloggers - and only those in my category. If Entrecard doesn't rethink things, I'll be pulling out. I'll spend my last few Entrecard credits and be on my merry way.

What are your thoughts about all of this? Are you sticking with them to see what happens? Have you already left?

5 Monkeys Commented - Leave your Comment!:

fidget said...

I dumped them. Ads that I did not approve were regularly cycling through- color me pissed. The ones i did not approve were just drecky / shady garbage too.

Natalie said...
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Natalie said...

I've been debating this, too. But, did you know that you can set your account to only allow paid ads that you approve yourself? Under "Your Account" go to "Advert Settings" and select the options you want there. You can even have it set to only allow paid ads for approval if they are for a blog and also if they are only for blogs directed to your category. I have found by changing my settings, it has dramatically reduced the number of paid ads I get and I haven't seen any unapproved ads running on my blog. Just an FYI.

One of my big issues with it is that they are supposedly going to charge credits for rejecting an ad. I think that sucks. I also think the whole change was handled poorly. There were too many unanswered questions. I still don't know if they are charging for rejected ads or how much. I will miss the connections to new blogs if I dump them.

MoodyMommy said...

I am on the fence!! I am thinking of dropping...more because,,Yes, I get lots of traffic, but I would like to see what authentic traffic I have. Who is coming to my site because they really want to read my posts...

Lisa (Jonny's Mommy) said...

I have some of the same concerns you do and will be backing out soon.

I'm not sure how I lost track of you, but I'll be adding you back to my google reader.
