Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Case of the Missing Cell Phone: Mystery Solved

On Tuesday night, I made the mistake of leaving my almost dead cell phone on the coffee table and forgetting about it.

On Wednesday morning, I went to make a phone call and couldn't find my phone. We searched high and low. Since our cell phones are our only phones, not knowing where mine is isn't a good thing. I used hubby's phone to make the call, and spent the rest of the day looking for my phone. I *knew* that Lulu was the culprit. She has a terrible tendency of walking off with my stuff any time I leave it within her reach. I've found my keys in the toy box, in the kitchen cupboards, and even in the refrigerator. I checked all of her usual hiding places, and while I found other items that had gone missing, (my favorite bracelet, the missing earring, my crappy digital camera), I still couldn't find my phone. (And I did realize that I need to be a *lot* better about putting my stuff away!) I tried calling it, but it never rang - probably because the battery was dead the night before it went missing and I never put it on the charger. I was out of luck.

I went to bed last night, hoping and praying I'd find my phone this morning.

A few minutes ago. Lulu found my phone. I was taking absolutely everything out of my kitchen cupboards when I heard, "Mama! Phone! Phone, Mama!"

Yes, Lulu found the phone. It was tucked ever so neatly into the glove of the boys Spiderman chair. The one place I didn't look.

Take a look for yourself in our re-enactment photos:

So, there you have it. Mystery Solved. Hopefully now I'll be a little more careful about where I leave my cell phone and other trinkets! The phone is back on the charger, well out of the reach of little fingers. At least for today.

6 Super Cool Replies:

Danielle said...

VERY funny, lol. Whenever Annalise does that, I simply tell her to go get it, and she runs right to where she hid it and gives it back to me. She even tells *me* thank you when she does this. The other day, she emerged out of nowhere with a really old pacifier (which she gave up about a year ago.

Chris said...

That is too cute.

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

That sounds like something Kaydee would and has done.

LunaWolf said...

Glad you found the phone and what a doll the culprit was.

Stephanie said...

Glad you found your phone, Angie. Man I remember those days....we lost our keys for a week one time....found them in the back of the kitchen cupboard.

Have a Great Day!

Regina Bertrand said...

LOL!! I am glad you found your phone.
