Sunday, January 25, 2009

Parker's Baby Dedication

After Parker was born and I finally got to go back to church, we started talking to our preacher about dedicating Parker. Apparently, this isn't something they do at this church. Why? I have no idea. But, after speaking with Pastor about it, and having him support us 100%, we decided that we would do the baby dedication service this morning.

It truly was an amazing service. Our preacher did such a great job of getting the point across of what we were doing, and he did it in the most beautiful way. Our entire family was up on stage with us, as well as all of the deacons. Pastor explained the purpose of the baby dedication, and then asked Gene and I some questions. He asked if we understood that Parker was a gift from God and should always be treated as such. He asked if we were promising God and the church that we would raise Parker in church. He asked if we would promise God that we would raise him under the Gospel and in a home where Christ is the Head. He then asked the deacons if they would promise to keep the church a Bible-Believing, Gospel preaching church.

He said a prayer, and then our friends sang the song, "A Goodly Heritage." It truly couldn't have been any more perfect. Ms. Sabrina took pictures for me, and as soon as I'm able, I'll share them with you.

For those who haven't ever heard of baby dedication, I'd like to explain. Baby dedication does not mean that Parker will automatically go to heaven. He will have to make that choice himself one day. What it means is that Gene and I are giving Parker back to God, promising to raise (rear) him under the Word of God and in a household of faith. We promise to be faithful in bringing him to church and teaching him about our Savior throughout his entire life. While they call it "baby dedication," it's really more a public profession of the parents dedicating their lives to raising their child in the way of the Lord.

The best example of baby dedication in the Bible is that of Hannah in 1 Samuel chapter 1. Hannah wanted a son more than anything. She prayed and prayed for this son, and promised God that if He would bless her with a son, she would give him back to the Lord. Her prayer was answered. Hannah got her son, and when he was weaned, she took him back to the temple and gave him back to the Lord. Samuel ended up becoming a prophet of our Lord.

Now, I can't predict what will happen in Parker's life. I would like to say that he will grow up and accept Christ as his Savior. Maybe he'll become a preacher. I don't know. But I can promise that Gene and I will keep Christ as the center of our household and raise all of our children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." (Eph. 6:4)

All of our children have been dedicated to the Lord, and each service was different. All were special in their own way, but this was by far the most personal, most spiritual dedication I have ever attended or been a part of. I am so thankful for our church and for a Pastor who would do such a beautiful service for our son.

3 Super Cool Replies:

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Thanks for adding that explaination or I would have had no idea what you were talking about. It sounds beautiful.

Heather said...

we have done the same with each of our children. with our last one we did it on saturday with just family and close friends and had some refreshments afterward. our pastor thinks it is very important to do and i'm glad he supports the parents that want to! what type of church do you attend?

Danielle said...

Nice post. I took Annalise to baby dedication when she was about 4 or 5 months old. Check your mail, you should get the package I sent you today. Btw, I thought of you this weekend when the cleaning lady at work wrote on a bleach water bottle, "Bleach and Wara".
